Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 2 of my Hawaiian Adventure!

I got some pretty good news! I didn’t have to camp on the beach!

Daddy was able to convince the hotel people to let me put a $20 deposit instead of  $50! After sitting in the room for a few long boring hours, I decided to venture out and get some dinner. When I say venture out, I really mean walk across the street to some little store. I bought a sub sandwich and a bag of chips. Great dinner I must say! Haha! Then I texted my new friend, Colton, and told him to come and stay at the hotel so I wouldn’t be alone. Once he got to the hotel, I took him to the little store to get dinner and then we went for a nighttime adventure! We were pretty determined to get to a beach, and spent 30 minutes trying to find one. Lets just say never listen to me when I think I know the directions! When we finally made it to the beach, we couldn’t stop talking about how unreal this whole thing is! We couldn’t believe that for the next four years we’d be going to college, in Hawaii!! After a good 15 minutes, we walked back and passed out!

Tuesday morning I woke up to the million texts my daddy was sending me. Then, right as I was about to doze off again, Annie called! She didn’t know it was around 5:30 in the morning, but we talked anyways. I told her all about the craziness that happened the day before. I also got to hear Linco say “Rawraw”, his way of saying Robyn, and “I love you”! He’s such a smart kid! After I hung up, I just couldn’t fall asleep! You got to remember, it was around 10a.m. in Tennessee, and I’m not used to the island time yet. I got ready and then met Colton for breakfast and a walk on the beach. We ended up doing a ton of exploring until Mommy and Daddy arrived. Once Mom and Dad got their bags in the hotel room, we loaded up the car and took a 45 minute drive to La’ie, my new home! Arriving at the BYUH campus was so exciting! I can’t believe I’m an actual college student! I checked into my dorm, got all set up, got my TB test, and had dinner with Mom, Dad, Colton, and some new friends.

Now I’m just sitting in my very small dorm room waiting for 7 o’clock to go to games night. Oh, and I already kicked Mommy and Daddy out, haha! I still have yet to meet my roommate and I’m kinda nervous! Hopefully she’s chill! Well, I got to go! Be prepared to read a ton more posts, this week will be very exciting and eventful!

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