Monday, December 29, 2014

Feliz Ano Novo!

Well, Merry Late Christmas! I will say that my Christmas call to home was awesome and weird at the same time. I thought "Wow! I actually had a life before my mission and I have a family...what?!" I had to think a lot just to speak in my native language and my favorite part was when I shared the spiritual thought in Portuguese....because I didn’t have to think as hard! Did talking to my family make me trunky (homesick)...NO...only freaked me out a little. But don’t worry, I do love my family...but I love being a missionary...more...for right now...(mom don’t kill me)!
Well, Sister Mitchell left me...and I miss her like crazy! I mean we were pretty much long lost sisters!!
My new comp, Sister Figueredo, has as much time in the mission as I have left (hope that made sense). But she is a cutie! We work well together and work super hard! But the heat we've been having here has been a fun sucker for the work...and it’s not going be leaving anytime soon. But we had our first baptism together last night!! Rodrigo! It was beautiful! And we have Christian, 11y/o, who really wants to be baptized and he will be on the 17 of Jan!! When we asked him why he wanted to be baptized he said "I don’t want to be a kid on the street any more, I want to be a church boy now" You can’t deny that he has a huge desire to be baptized! I just love teaching him!
Sister Figueredo and I decided we are going to be more consecrated missionaries and so our first night together we made goals. Well, we have already seen many milagres and I’m just happy that she is so willing to help me finish off my mission strong. On Jan 1 we are going start this 40 day fast (not a fast with food) and so for 40 days you give up bad habits and start new more righteous ones! We are ready to leave everything on our altar of sacrifice!
Yesterday, I gave a talk about making spiritual metas, and since I am a missionary, I would like to extend an invitation to you all. This year I would like all of you to make your spiritual goals before any other goal...because this year is your year to really come unto Christ with all that you have. In Alma 34:32 it states,
For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.
We prepare when we make goals...we perform when we complete or reach our goals. So here are the goals I would like to invite you to use!
1- Learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by accepting the missionaries in your home.
2- read the Book of Mormon cover to cover.
3- If you are a new member, start preparing to enter the temple.
4- if you are a Young Woman or Young Man, start preparing for a mission!!!!(it’s the best thing in the world)
I’ve never seen so many blessings or been so happy in my life and I know that it is because of this Gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God that testifies of Jesus Christ. It is the most powerful and correct book in the world, and if you read it your desire to do what is right, come unto Christ, will grow. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. And I know that Joseph Smith was the profeta that restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that if we follow the Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, that we will always be in safe territory and that if we stay true till the end we will be able to live with our Heavenly Father once again. This is the message we missionaries bring to the world...this is the message that all the members of the church should share. Stop being shy (members), open your mouth and testify of what you know to be true!
I love each and every one of you guys! Make the best of this new year!
Come muito amor,
Sister Perez
The dress..a gift from sister mitchell

Found a box..and yes I just had to buy a shirt!

The new comp! Sister Figgy

Didn't cry while skyping my the members made me cry!

The Campinas Temple!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The crazy holiday season....and my birthday

I have 10 minutes to write, because this lan-house closes at 1:00.
ITS A HOLIDAY TODAY.........again...........there are many here in Brazil
This week was incredible!
We are the best of friends, Sister Mitchell and I. It is wonderful to work together.
We grabbed a bus today, and ended up taking a 1.5 hour long tour around Campinas and to the out skirts. The bus stopped abruptly, and the bus driver asked where we were going. We told him where we "thought" we were going, and he motioned for us to grab another bus, which took us All the way back to the center.....yeah we are never gonna try a new rout...ha, ha
We baptized Evans!!!! It was awesome...we wanted to wait till next week because of all the things going on in the stake and people being too busy...but he told us that he didn’t want to wait and so we said ok. So 8 am on Sunday he was baptized by a recent convert! Oh it was beautiful! He was so happy! And he was so spiritually prepared!
Well my birthday was this Monday! And we ended up really, what better way to celebrate your birthday?!?! In the morning Sister Mitchell woke me up with my present...a knitted yellow sweater (that I just loved) and some awesome crazy printed leggings!!! Then we went for a run and the she made me French toast! Then we worked!
The last week was such an awesome week...I honestly don’t remember much, but we had 28 lessons!! We just wanted to go big before Sister Mitchell goes home....
So, what have I learned being with Sister Mitchell, a dying missionary (not literally, just going home), a whole lot of things! For one, the spirit is super important in this work, and if you and your comp don’t have the same vision...good luck! And just because you are dying (going home) doesn’t mean you have to be trunky (home sick)...literally; it’s all about working till your last day! And it’s not about what you want to’s about what the Lord wants you to do. Seriously she is an awesome missionary. And I’m so sad that I can’t have a whole 6 weeks with her. But in these past 4 weeks, I have totally forgotten about myself and literally lost myself in the work. Something really cool...I feel like my time with her was like a check point for my mission...and as of right now I can honestly say that the Lord has accepted my work up to this point.
Oh, so today was our festa de natal! It was soooo fun and wow there are a ton of missionaries in this mission. Like when we sang the opening hymn it was sooooo powerful! ha....all the zones performed a Christmas song...we had a pretty cool one...and then we had lunch...and then we sang for Santa, Sister Mitchell, Elder Calk, and I...I’ll try to send that video.....we got all our boxes...and we (every missionary) got a fruit cake...yay! …ha, ha
But time is up and we need to start packing Sister Mitchell’s bags...she leaves tomorrow!!!!
Thanks for the Birthday emails!! Te amo
Sister Perez...who has 21 years of age!!

Evans baptism!

I've never eaten so much pizza till I got to this area! #freepizza

our planning outfits

this is one ugly skirt...never wore it again!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Yes right now my life is totalment complete (totally complete)! Porque im (because I’m) in a temple zone! My new area is Planalto, which is in the Flamboyant Zone, and I’m already best friends with my comp Sister Mitchell!! And yes she is another Americana! And I’m the missionary who will be killing her (not literally, mission jargon for last companion before the missionary goes home)....she goes home December 18...but we don’t talk about that much. And the ward is awesome...and this area is really, really blessed! I mean what more could a little brown (yes, she’s getting very tanned) missionary want?!?! Ok beside more sleep...nothing...because things are just amazing!
Let’s start with a little intro of Sister Mitchell! Well…she knows Riley Carter (Riley is from Memphis and is also on a mission in another part of Brazil; what a small Mormon world) because she went to BYU Provo (my mom’s dream school for me) and she’s a runner, artist, singer, and a goof just like me! I’m Pretty sure she is my spirit. And from day one we hit it off super-duper well!! We definitely have the same desejos (desires) and vision, and because of that we are able to teach together so effortlessly. Seriously! I love this sister!!
So let’s talk about the milagres (miracles) that we have been seeing. But before that, there is an Elder Holland talk about missionary work and the Atonement. He says that this gospel is the best thing we have on this earth...and with the happiness it brings why aren’t people coming to us wanting to be baptized?! Ok, well keep that in mind as you read the next few parts!!!
Our focus this week was to find new people to of course we talk with everyone and we try to hit up all our referências (referrals). One day we were walking to go knock some doors and there was a girl just standing by a big green door. Before we even talked to her she asked "are you Jehovah Witnesses?" We then told her who we were (Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...booyah) and she asked if we shared any sort of message...yeah we share a message...a message of eternal salvation! Then she told us she wanted to hear it and she took us to her house...AND WE TAUGHT HER!!!!! I remember just looking at Sister Mitchell and thinking 'is this real life.....did this girl just invite us to teach her...woahhhhhh' but yes ladies and gents it was real life and her name is Iltany!!!
Ask any missionary how many times they were let into the condomínio (condominium complex) of their referência (referral)...and they will probably tell you "not often". Well this referênica was such an eleito (elect) that we got to enter his condomínio and boy was he so happy to see us!!! We ended up teaching him in the lobby, but during the whole lesson he just had the happiest little smile, and he was just so ready to find answers and start on this path! He also knew a lot about the church and it wasn’t any of the bad was all the good things...or better said all the TRUE things. And this milagres (miracle’s) name is Eduardo!
We are also teaching a guy from Haiti!!! His name is Evans and like us, he doesn’t speak perfect Portuguese! And he has such a sweet and pure spirit!! He always asks us really good questions (like the ones you have to study for or ask Daddy Perez and then answer him) and he is really seeing the blessings of the Gospel! Oh...and he is teaching us French! Sister Mitchell and I can say I’m a missionary and that I’m hungry in French now!! I love teaching him!!!
And our last milagre: Rodrigo. I’ve never worked so hard during a lesson. I don’t think I’ve ever prayed so much during one either...but it paid off. Why? Because the spirit was so strong, and Rodrigo was changed during that lesson. I’ve never felt so happy. At the end of this amazing lesson, Rodrigo accepted the convite (invite) to be baptized! And I can’t wait to teach him again...with that same spirit!
All these milagres are proof that you cannot do this work without the Spirit, without the same desejos (desires) that your comp has, without the same vision, and without união (unity). If you don’t have those things, yes, you´ll still get things done...but it won’t be so won’t be the way the Lord wants it to be. AHHHHH I’ve never been just so happy on my’s seriously the best thing. And I’m so blessed to have Sister Mitchell as my comp!
On another bright side I think we ran/walked 17 miles trying to get to all of our appointments! Ha, it was awesome!!!
Being a missionary is the best job in the whole wide world!!!!
Te amo Sister Perez

 And since it is that time of year...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Peace Out Novo Horizonte

Well out of the 6 sisters in my house 4 of us are getting transferred! And I don’t know where I will be going until tomorrow!! Oh the suspense!
This week was really good. We just worked super hard and had lots of fun! We had our interviews with Presidente too. Sister Ace and I were getting tired of making contacts and so we started making a game to make contacts fun. Each day we had to look for a certain type of person or a color of roupas. For example, one day we made a deal with whoever talked to more grumpy old men would win some ice cream! That day we pretty much ran after old guys and we were just hoping they’d be grumpy, but a most were nice!
Then Presidente Costa came to our stake conference…and that was awesome!! He was so cool!! Both of his talks that he gave were about missionary work and how it’s not just the full time missionary’s job to go out and find people to teach. That it’s also the members job...and if they leave us out to dry, they are not keeping their baptismal covenants. Yeah that was a burn. Then to show them how easy it is to talk to people about the gospel he sent my mission Presidente and the stake Presidente out to make contacts for 15 minutes!! When they came back they shared their experience. They talked with 4 people and marked a return visit! Presidente Costa was like "see people it’s not that hard to open your mouth!!! Open it already!!" It was so good. The whole conference was about sharing the gospel and helping us missionaries.
Sorry guys I had a ton of things to say...but I already packed my study journal. This email is super dry...and my mom will probably get on to me for this...ha, ha
But open your mouths and share the Good Tidings of this wonderful Gospel!!
TE AMO! E HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I’m grateful for all you guys!!!
Sister Perez

President Perrotti

Monday, November 17, 2014

Luana Got Baptized!!!!!!!!!!

So we already knew that Luana was going to be baptized this week...we just had to plan it out. And man was it the best baptism in the world! Her husband got to baptize her and then he also shared his testimony, to which the whole room cried their eyes out! She was so happy and so was her husband. It was just so great...I don’t even have words!
But now we are working with their daughter, Ana Julia, who is 10...and has a problem with coffee...yeah...sister Ace and I were just like what the heck she has a coffee problem...but yeah we are trying to get her to drink chocolate milk now! Hopefully soon she'll get baptized and this time her dad will get to do everything!!
You know that saying that when you want to talk to your Heavenly Father you say a prayer...and when you want to "here' what he has to say you read the scriptures...well, yeah he reprimanded this morning because this past week I was totally being like Lamã and Lamuel. My Presidente Perrotti told us to work more in the bairros closer to the chapel...well let’s just say that we all murmured about how horrible the bairros are and how we would never find anyone! And then I read in the Book of Mormon 1 Nefi chapter 4 and yeah...I must repent. In verse 1, Néfi says "Subamos novamente a Jerusalém (or the bairros near the capela) e sejamos fiéis aor mandamentos do Senhor (e Presidente Perrotti), pois eis que ele é mais poderoso que toda a terra" (Note: English Translation: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?) and he knows what’s best and Prresidente Perrotti recieves that revelation for us. "Sejamos fortes como Moisás; porqie ele por certo falou às águas do Mar Vermelho e elas dividiram-se para um e outro lado!" (v.2) (Note – English translation: Therefore let us go up; let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground, and the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea.) (or in other words-falou as portas e elas abriram) (Note: English translation: God will open the doorsfor us) then in V.3 he reminds his brothers that they know the truth...why do they need to be brats and doubt!!!??? In the end Lamã e Lamuel follow Néfi, but they murmur the whole way there. This past week, we knocked in the bairros near the capela...but we were grumps about it the WHOLE TIME. We didn’t have the same faith that Néfi had in V.6. Talvez if we did, we would have been more blessed. But I’ve learned my lesson: DONT DOUBT, HAVE FAITH, AND like Nike says JUST DO IT (With a happy heart and a smile)
Thats all for this week!!!
te amo!!
Sister Perez
p.s. its crazy cold here...and its supposed to be summer.....

And this is what makes me happy! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Milagres São Reais!

First off, it finally rained! And that was much needed! We walked in wet shoes for like 3 days. (yeah mom I gave a few of my other shoes away so I really have only 1 pair that I like to use) But sadly the rain didn’t last long.
OK for the Biggest bestest thing that happened this week. We have been working with Luana and Ana Julia well, since I got here...but the sisters before us had been working with her for 7 months. They baptized her husband, but she was a bit more tough. So this week we were like ok, we need to do everything possible to help her. The first night we went over we had nothing planned and we just randomly talked to her and then we asked if she had prayed about baptism. She said that she made a deal with Heavenly Father and that if she didn’t get her answer by Saturday, this wasn’t for her. Yeah talk about stressful! But then we went back and randomly talked about Jacob 5...the next day we randomly talked about Alma this time she was like changing...and she was always smiling. It was weird. Then after the Alma 32 lesson we asked her how she feels about everything and she said that she thinks she’ll get an answer on Saturday. That was a relief. But then on Friday we did a fast for her that she would be able to receive the answer she wants. Then we went back Friday night, talked a bit and then once again randomly talked about Peter (when he walked on the sea) and we asked her where she thought she was. In the boat, out of the boat but one hand still holding on, or already walking towards Jesus. Then we left. OK, finally Saturday rolled around and I was nervous out of my mind! But when we showed up to her house at 8:30pm she was SMILING SO BIG! But even though we were dying to know if she got her answer, we waited....and waited....and waited until 9. And then she told us that she wants to be baptized!!!!! My heart just about exploded! And then we ran home!!! Yeah Sister Ace and I are so happy! And we learned that you can’t force someone to be baptized and you must work at their own pace! And that the spirit is so important because there was nothing random about all the things we shared with her!
Things are looking good here in Novo!
Te amo!
Sister Perez

The whole Zone 

Monday, November 3, 2014

My First Americana companion who is Mexican....

Wow, what a crazy week! My comp, Sister Rotela, got emergency transferred and then I got Sister Acevedo, a proud Texan! I actually really love her and we are always laughing...all the time! This week was a bit of hit and miss, just because I had only been in this area for 2 weeks and didn’t really know where things are or who people are. So it was a learning process with Acevedo!
Sunday was the best!! I was just so happy to go to church and I just knew a milagre would happen....sure enough Maria and Ciço showed up at about being puntual! And then it was fast and testimony meeting so that was just perfect! They seemed comfortable and Maria even sang the hymns! And they knew people too!!! In the end they ended up giving a ride to a recent convert! And they marked a date for us to go and visit them!! I love them!!
So on to some of my studies. I started the Book of Mormon again. And every Monday I read just 1 chapter. This morning I read Chapter 2, and this is actually one of my favorite chapters because it’s such a great example of truly and faithfully following the Lord. Leí was being asked to leave everything behind and only take his family into the wilderness. He didn’t even question the Lord as to why he has to do such a hard task, he humbly obedeceu o Senhor. He and his family were clearly a wealthy family and then they suffered and had to live in the desert and live in tents. That’s a drastic change. Then after 3 days of traveling they stop to build an altar and give an offering and give thanks...GIVE THANKS?! Yeah, that’s a perfect example of having an attitude de gratidão in your trials. It’s sad because his 2 older sons, Lamã e Lemuel are being such little brats and wanting to go back to their lux life. Néfi prays to know that the words his father is speaking are true because he doesn’t want to be like his brothers. The Lord tells Néfi "bendito és tu, por causa de tua fé....e sue humildade de coração....eventualmente, se você guardares meus mandamentos, prosperarás e serás conduzido a uma terra (uma benção) de promissão (translation: blessed are you Nephi and if you continue being obedient you will prosper and be led to a promised land). That’s clearly a blessing/promise to anyone who faithfully keeps the commandments! Then my other favorite part in verses 9 and 10 where Leí tells his bratty sons to be like a rio, continuamente correndo para a fonte de toda retidão and um vale, firme, constante e imutável em guardar os mandaments do senhor (translation: Lehi hopes they will be like a river ever flowing constant like a fount of righteousness). Of course we can liken all the chapters in the Book of Mormon to us...but I seriously love this chapter soooooo much because it’s one of the easier ones to relate to our lives.
I’m so, so, so happy! I love sharing the gospel and getting put into awkward situations just to tell people about our message! (those awkward moments happen often with Sister Acevedo and I).
Meu povo! Be bold and share the gospel with everyone you meet! They deserve to have the same happiness and safety we have!
Te amo muito!

I'm finally taller than my comp!


We have the same last name...ha no I just forgot my tag

It is getting too hot! Had to cut the locks

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Spirit Changes People!!!

For one, it was a lot cooler this it gave us a break from the heat. And that was much needed.
I also finally saw the eye doctor....and I’m sooooo blind! But it’s ok, now I can buy the right contacts and stop squinting!
But here is the good part of the week. We knocked into a Family my first week here, and when we first talked with them they didn’t seem too interested, but we kept going back. So on the third visit (3rd time really is a charm) this couple, Maria e Ciço were totally diferente! We talked about the great apostasia and then watched the Restoration movie. The whole time during this lesson my comp and I were praying that they would feel the spirit and that they recognize that the spirit was testifying of truths. After the movie was over we asked them how they felt and what they thought. They said it was amazing that one could have so much faith and how we now have the truth!!!!! YES our prayers were heard!!! They told us that they want to visit the church but this week wouldn’t do because they were going out of town. But they are totally open now!!! And then we asked them if they were married (this is what makes baptizing hard...few couples are married) and they have been married for like 40 years!!!! And it’s a legal marriage!!! Oh, Sister Rotela and I were practically jumping for joy...on the inside!! So the lesson we learned here....sometimes it takes people a while to recognize the spirit and they seem uninterested...but they are just waiting to hear the right words!! So you can’t just give up on people super-fast.... and you have to be so in tune with the spirit that you know exactly what to say that will trigger their feelings!!
Something awesome I read this week..... Mosiah 23: 10-11....Alma the younger is recounting his conversion story where he changed from being a wicked person who fought against the church. Clearly the Lord knows of the things we need, the things we desire....and he hears our prayers....but that doesn’t mean we are going to get the answer after 2 days of praying. In verse 10 it says "after many trials" not just 1 or 2...MANY, before the Lord finally responded. My question was "why after a lot of time". Well if you read on it says that Alma was pretty much being prepared to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands....and then after his trials, Alma brought many to the truth. Ok, so we go through hard things because the Lord is shaping us into the perfect sword (only cool thing I could think of to compare an instrument to) but it takes time and sometimes it hurts. We just need to be patient and like it says in verse 11, be THANKFUL and give praise to our Lord.
I’m still loving what I do every day....and I’m going to keep on swinging that sickle (the field is white already to harvest)!!!
Te amo,
Sister Robyn Perez

Monday, October 20, 2014

Novo Horizante, Jundiaí

Well the beginning of this transfer was a huge adventure.....when Bishop came to pick Sister Moura and I up, we didn’t have enough room in the car for my I only brought one...and it was the wrong one to bring! Then I found out I was going to Zona Jundiaí and that my comp would meet me in the Rodoviaria there. It was all good getting there and meeting my new comp, Sister Rotela. She just finished her training and she is super chill! She is from Paraguay! I’m also in the dreaded house to live in......I live with 5 other sisters!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah it’s a party every night, well, not really, but you know what I mean! How we all take showers in a short period of time in the morning is a miracle! I have no clue what the name of the ward is that I’m in...but, there are 4 of us sisters that work this ward...the other two work in the other ward. Oh man, our chapel is HUGE! I’ve never seen a chapel this big in my life! We don’t live in centro like in Jag, but our town has just about everything. But the Centro here in Jundiaí is like Campinas! Ha, ha! I feel like I’ve been in a small town for too long! Ha! Our area is pretty’s sorta country and only one neighborhood is close enough to walk too. We also have a few investigators...but I really don’t know them that well yet. Our zone is crazy! We are the funnest and busiest zone....that’s what they say! So yeah, IM real happy to be here!!
One day this week we went out and knocked on some doors....every door we entered we came out with a new investigator! Seriously the best day ever! It was seriously a miracle!
For those who didn’t see the video, I also ate a coconut’s this little guy that crawls into the mini (it’s seriously a small coconut) coconut and eats all the coconut meat. Then you break it open and eat him...he has the flavor of a coconut! It’s actually pretty delish! hahaha! Yeah, the crazy things you do on a mission....
Last night (when our power was out) I was reading in Alma 17 and 18 (Book of Mormon). Wow, Ammon is a crazy sick missionary! The king wants to reward him and he is all like no....I want to be your servant. SO he becomes King Lamoni´s servant. And then the whole thing with the flocks and chopping arms happens and the king is just mind blown and wants to talk to him. Then, again the king is taken aback because Ammon is still doing his job and getting the horses ready. Then he tries to talk to Ammon and he can’t say anything for a while. But then it gets good because Ammon, who clearly has the spirit with him, starts discerning the king’s thoughts. Ammon goes on to ask awesome purposeful questions (what we talked about in Zone meeting) and then he teaches he king the gospel. What is the lesson learned here.....Well in order to be a good missionary, you need to serve! Then you need to be humble and do everything the Lord asks you to do....then you need to always have the spirit with you and you will be successful. That’s just a bit of my studies!
WELL until next week!!!
Te amo
Sister Perez!
My new comp, Sister Rotela

All the sisters I now live with

Monday, October 13, 2014

After 5 months I'm Leaving Jaguariúna…

So the worst call I’ve ever had to answer was the transfer conference call. It came way early and we were at a recent convert’s house when it came. So this is how it goes. Our ZLs call all of the missionaries in the Zone and then say all of our names and whether we stay or leave. We were the last area to be called out for our district and he said my name first and after he said "Sister Perez....vai embora!" I cried! I mean I already knew I was going...but I’ve been here for forever, so it was a given I would leave. But I can say that I am comfortable leaving Jag 2 in the hands of Garibay.
Now onto the awesome week Sister Garibay and I had! So we've always had a rough time together but we FINALLY worked all things out! And that was perfect because our week was just amazing! We got 6 new investigators and we finally reached the Standard of Excellence for lessons for non-members. We worked super hard with a few young men to get them back into the church and get them excited to go on a mission!! Of the 3, one talked about making goals to start preparing and the other 2 are a bit slower, but that’s cool. Because one is finally doing his daily prayers and the other one is slowly reading the Book of Mormon!! We then had 1 awesome day with 2 Irmãs...and got to meet new people with them...they even enjoyed going out with us!! We decided to start getting the Irmã we have lunch with to go out with us after we eat because it’s so hot out and they have cars! Ha!
Speaking of heat...its crazy hot here!! You sweat so much that by the end of the night you are soaked in sweat. And it’s even hot in the house at night...And they say it’s going get hotter in the next month!!
For some reason I had a crazy craving for pizza and we told Irmã Beatiane about it so she went and bought me a pizza...and yes I ate almost all of it! And then she told me my shoes where ugly and needed to be shined so she made me take them off and she shined them for me! Her son is the less active talking about serving a mission. I seriously love her!
I’m going to miss this place like crazy...but hey we are disciples of Christ and just like him we can’t stay for long in one area! (there’s a scripture that says that but at the moment I can’t remember it...ha)
Well, Jag treated me well; and now it’s time to see more of Campinas!
Te amo!!
Sister Robyn Perez
Saying goodbye to my comp! (last morning in Jaguariuna)

My last dinner in Jag

Monday, October 6, 2014

Half-way --- 9 months

OK, when you first start your mission, you feel like you will never reach 9 months...and look where I am! I can’t believe I’ve hit the half-way point. It’s sorta sad, because as you truly get lost in the work you never want to stop being a missionary! It’s also a good wake-up call that you only have 9 more months left so you better "do it, do it right, and do it right now" as my mommy would say. These next months are going to be some of the best!
I hope you all loved conference! It was so good, so powerful, and so uplifting! I think the theme, according to me, was going back to the basics. The importance of scripture study, prayer, and church attendance, which was also cool, because all of the training we have been receiving has been on the basics também. Just like Mosias 13, when Abinadi goes back to the basics and talks about the 10 mandamentos. Just goes to show that we can NEVER forget the small and simple things! And it is by the small and simple things that we are made into stronger discípulos de cristo. Oh I loved, loved, loved the talk by Elder Godoy! Loved when he asked, "are we living on the pathway that will lead us to receiving all of the blessings promised in my patriarchal blessing? If not, we need to repent and realign ourselves" It was like are we doing everything possible to receive all those wonderful, promised não...check yourself! I can’t wait to go back and read all these talks!
Well, meu povo, hope you are staying strong in the ways of the gospel! Keep on keeping on and be bold and share this maravilhosa gospel com tudo mundo! It would just be selfish if we all just kept these blessings to ourselves!
Te amo muitos!!!!
Sister Perez

Monday, September 29, 2014

A miracle…that you could eat!

So if I’m being was another rough week. But my studies were way awesome and so I will not focus on the negatives and share a positive with you all!

I was thinking "We are working super hard...why is nothing working!" We were not including the Lord in his own work....yeah that was a slap in the face. Then, we just started having more faith and acting in faith. And then I read 1 Néfi 7:12.....if we show (act in faith) the Lord will help us. And then the miracle happened....ok, not exactly a huge one....more like I made a torta from scratch, without a recipe and it came out perfectly. I started making this torta for the baptism of Josmar (husband of Maurica) and well for one, I only ever watched Pontes make it, so I knew the ingredients but not the measurements. And then I’ve made mousse a bajillion times...except this time it wasn’t turning out the whole time Moura and I were silently praying and when we left for the baptism the torta was questionable. But when we ate was perfect!!! And the ward members were asking for the receita and I couldn’t even give them one. So, lesson learned....every day we get to see miracles!!!!
I wish I had more time to share but Im running real short on time!!! But just keep the faith meu povo!!!
Te amo!
Sister Perez

I've been doing this thing call preaching for 38 weeks!

Josmar got baptized! 

jumpin' trains

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Starting from zero

Sister Robyn Perez – Week 37 – received 09/22/14
In Jaguariuna, Campinas, Brazil

Wow, so this week was a bit discouraging. When we came into this area we had 15 people with a baptism date. Right now we have 2, but only one went to church and she is waiting for the right time. And the other persondidn’t make it to church. It’s even harder because our Zone Leader thinks we are fubecando (slacking) because our first 2 weeks were goodbut as we met with each of the investigatores we realized that they don’t have the desire to get baptized and we had to drop them. So this past week we really started opening this area. Then one morning as I was reading in Matthew I read a perfect scripture.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savourwherewith shall it be salted? it is 
thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of  men.

When I read this I was like "what does this mean". I did some deep studying and came to this conclusion. Many are called but few are chosen. There are a lot of members but only a few are super strong, only a few are trulyconsecrated and converted. Like you only need a little salt to add a flavor...the few that are chosen are good enough to help build the kingdom of God on the earth. Then I thought; well Sister Garibay and I were chosen to help this area grow. We are qualified! But we need to be truly converted to this great work. If we show that we want to find os eleitos, the Lord will put them in our path. BUT we need to show our worthiness. We need to constantly be exactly obedient. And we need to be the salt of Jaguariuna. So yeah, missions are tough, but it’sonly to help prepare us to be better members of Christ's church. This work isn’t meant to be easy, but it’sdoable. 

Eu amo vocês!  

Running, running and a tad bit of sleeping

Sister Robyn Perez – Week 36 – received 09/15/14

In Jaguariuna, Campinas, Brazil


don’t think I’ve ever been so tired. I probably said that last week...but seriously it’s true!! Every day Sister Garibay and I say that we will get home at 9 so we can be in bed by never happened. We would always be teaching or walking home from a lesson and then we'd end up getting home at 9:15 or later. But this isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually and oddly a good thing! It means we are working! And working we are! We've found a good teaching pool and now we are just trying to really focus on these people. We are also trying to knock some more doors to find even more. The only thing is that it’s HOT! It starts getting hot at 8 in the morning anddoesn’t cool down till like 6pm. We have to apply sunblock like 20 times! And we are always running to the bathroom because we drink so much water! And it’s supposed to get hotter!!! Ha, winter here should be fun!!


Sister Garibay and I are now really good friends! It’s almost like me and Sister Johnsonalmost, but no one will ever beat my "mom". It’s true when you have a really good relationship with your comp, the teaching goes way better! 


Jaguariuna 2 is so blessed! Why, because the members in this part love working with the missionaries! One of our recent converts took us to her friend. Then one member had us talk to her co-worker, and the co-worker took us to a neighbor. It’s awesome because these people have friends who are already members or about to be members and it’s easier to teach them the gospel! 


Something sad...I had a dream that I was already done with my mission. I woke up in a panic and was like,"NO!!!! I still have a ton of months!" ha, yeah not totally. Time here is flying so fast and soon I’ll be at 9 months. After I had that dream I promised Heavenly Father that I will work with all my might till my last day! Ican’t think of anything better than sharing the gospel with the people here in Jag 2. I’ve never been happier and as tired! Haha, but for real! This gospel is true! I know we have a living profeta que guides and directs us. And I know that my Savior lives!


Te amo!

Sister Perez